National Wellness Month

August is National Wellness Month so we rounded up some easy and practical ways to boost your overall health and wellness. You don’t need to spend a lot of time or money to improve your well being and we believe that wellness should be accessible to everyone at any time. So try out 1 or all 30 and challenge yourself by committing to your wellness practice everyday. PS: it only takes 21 days for an action to begin developing into a habit so turning National Wellness Month into a lifestyle is easier than you think.
Drink more water and add lemon and/or limes every time
Try grounding- Walk around barefoot in nature
Stretch for at least 5 minutes per day (Upon rising and before sleep)
Sweat it out (Steam room, sauna, working out)
Walk more and sit less
Go to bed one hour earlier than you’re used to
Meditate for 10 minutes per day
Spend time with animals and children
Cook at home more; and eat out less often
Give yourself a relaxing head massage
Wear sun protection everyday 365/year
Make your annual doctor visit appointments in advance and take control of your health
Practice daily self breast examinations
Break up with refined sugar
Set your intentions by writing them down in a journal
Make self care a priority by committing to 1 ritual per week that’s just for you
Go 24 hours without an electronic device
Laugh with abandon
Speak kindly to yourself
Don’t touch your face
Practice daily gratitude
Eat slower and with intention
Recycle, Reuse, Reduce
Cut back on alcohol and cigarettes
Create time for uninterrupted time with loved ones
Change your pillowcase at least twice per week
Do Meatless Mondays every week
Try deep breathing exercises to reduce anxiety
Surround yourself in nature
Try intermittent fasting