Deborah Agustoni
This is a tale of two discoveries. In 2007, Deborah Agustoni’s steer in life changed forever during a trip to Cambodia. Not only did she witness the harsh vulnerability of human trafficking, she also discovered the Cambodian Blue Butterfly Pea Flower - a unique, radical ingredient that she was certain she had a calling to use. The two contrasting discoveries caused a revolution in her heart and a calling she knew she had to pursue. Saathëa, was born with a clear mission in mind: to fight human trafficking through the power of the finest, cleanest wellness products that deliver remarkable results. Rooted in this unique, pioneering product is an unwavering commitment to giving back to the vulnerable women in Cambodia and a deep gratitude for the discovered beauty and incredible benefits in this ingredient that changed everything. We choose always, to do the right thing by women, for women.