Iota Body
Monique Meneses
Monique Meneses is the co-founder of iota. The importance of health is not lost on me. I spent years trying to get pregnant via acupuncture and hormone medication. When I finally got pregnant, doctors found a tennis-ball sized tumor on my pancreas (thankfully all is ok). Then I was diagnosed with high blood pressure for reasons unknown. With age and becoming a mom, I wanted to find small (realistic) lifestyle changes that could still make a difference. Skin health is arguably the key pillar of health most overlooked today. Just like sleep, eating right and exercise, it's essential for whole body health, and more studies are finding its link to bigger issues like autoimmune disease and heart health. This is why iota exists. Our mission is to address skin health head on with bodycare that combines functional face-grade benefits with core microbiome support — a foundation of skin and whole body health