How to win the battle of the blemish

How to win the battle of the blemish
Acne flare ups can throw off and otherwise beautiful day for anyone. You know that feeling, just when you're feeling great about your skin, it's even and happy and then from out of nowhere, BOOM a bumpy monster appears just in time to keep your ego in check! I know many people can relate to this. I personally went several months without a single flare up (miracle really) and then suddenly I was cursed with a constellation of pimples along my left jaw line! I know exactly why it happened too (hello hormonal stress). There are several things can cause acne flare ups. Continue reading below to learn about the different types of acne as well as what to do to prevent them and treat them and ultimately How to win the battle of the blemish Acne Types:
- White heads: Typically small with a white top on the surface of reddish bump
- Yellow Heads: Typically small with an oozy yellowish top on the surface of reddish bump
- Pimples: Pimples also known as pustules have a defined circular center filled with pus. They appear as larger and more inflamed versions of white heads.
- Nodules: These are inflamed blemishes that can either be singular or form in clusters. They are typically red and swollen and sometimes warm to the touch. There is no head.
- Cysts: One of the more severe types of acne that usually don’t come to a surface head. They tend to be hard and tender to the touch and can use permanent scarring if not treated properly. Cysts have no visible head or center.
- White Heads/Yellow heads/Pimples:
- Nodules/cysts:
Nodules and cysts should not be treated at home. With severe cases as these, a dermatologist can administer treatment including cortisone shots, topical steroids, or antibiotics. Chemical peels have also been used as a treatment for these types of acne but you must be sure to receive this from a skilled aesthetician or dermatologist…Do not attempt this on your own as you can make it worse and case darkening of the skin that can become permanent.
For more information, check out this article here